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Hollyland Technology
Mars 4K
Mars 4K
Wireless Video transmission
Interface Connection & Installation introduction
How to scan channels on Mars 4K?
Mars 4K how to enter scene mode, and how to use it?
How many APP can be connected to Mars 4K?
How to get the best wireless performance with Mars 4K
How to transmit 4K video on Mars 4K?
How to get 1 transmitter to 2 receiver mode?
Does Mars 4K able to transmit fractional frame rates such as 23.98, 29.97, 59.94?
How to connect the Hollyview APP?
How many ways to power Mars 4K ?
How to set them up when multiple sets of MARS 4K are used at the same location?
How to upgrade Mars 4K firmware?
How to connect Mars 4K to PC to live streaming?
Is Mars 4K fan adjustable?
How to switching the channel on Mars 4K?
Why does the camera record in 4K the screen will turn black when connected to Mars 4K?
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